4134 Route 130
Beverly, NJ 08010
The Carter Building
Parking lot area - 3rd Door
Office (856)495-7798
Cell (215)847-5422
Welcome to the website of Ladies in Transit Holistic Community Development Corporation (LITHCDC). Founded in 2010 by military spouse Malanie Jordan; LITHCDC is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt not-for-profit social service organization.
LITHCDC Programs and Services.
Drive-Thru Food Distribution - Every Thursday, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Administrative Support
Business Consultations
Elderly Awareness
Fiscal Sponsorship
Health & Wellness
Notary Public of New Jersey
Social Services
Veterans Awareness
Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Development
Other Social Services Upon Request
Mission Statement
The mission of LITHCDC is to provide adults and children with diverse transitional programs and services to empower our multicultural society to transition from hardship to economic stability. LITHCDC programs and services support individuals seeking food, clothing, shelter, employment opportunities, domestic violence support, housing programs, literacy, health & wellness, veteran awareness, elderly awareness, career development, entrepreneur support, youth development, and nonprofit entrepreneurs seeking 501(c)3 fiscal sponsorship.
Tax-Deductible Donations
Monetary and In-Kind donations to LITHCDC are tax-deductible. Online donors can click Donate Today to make monetary donations. Donors who prefer to donate in person can call 856-495-7798 to make an office appointment. Donations purchase much-needed items for LITHCDC community programs.​
View the DONATIONS GALLERY for donation suggestions. Questions? CONTACT > Malanie Jordan (856) 495-7798
LITHCDC is committed to fighting food insecurity and transitional challenges with LITHCDC Weekly Drive-Thru Food Distribution, and other programs to help New Jersey communities transition from hardship to economic stability. The food distribution program provide clients with nutritional food and nonfood products.
Like and join our Facebook community to access daily transitional resources.
About the Founder, President, & CEO - Malanie is a military spouse business owner, public administrator, and a survivor of domestic violence from her first marriage (1973-1981). Malanie's professional and personal life experiences motivate her to help others. Malanie applied military spouse educational benefits to prepare for a post-retirement career as a nonprofit social service provider. Malanie's educational background which includes a Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling (MSMHC) empowers Malanie to meet the transitional social service needs of individuals and families seeking economic stability. Professional experience as a SEPTA Station Manager / Dispatcher (1988-2010) empowers Malanie with the experience, education, and skills to work with the public. Meet the LITHCDCVolunteerTeam. Malanie strongly believes Volunteer support is essential to LITHCDC's daily operations. LITHCDC extends a public thank you to LITHCDC volunteers, sponsors, and donors.
Malanie Jordan, MPA / MSMHC
LITHCDC Founder, President, & CEO
Military Spouse Business Owner